Born on September 27th, 1958, Sângeorz-Băi, România
Studies: Art and Design University Cluj Napoca, România.
Member of the Romanian Professional Artists Union (UAPR)
Member of the International Art Association Paris, France(A.I.A.P.)
2008 - „Senso” Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
2007 - „Veroniki ART” Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
2007 - „LIMA” Gallery, Timisoara, Romania
2006 - Contemporary Art Expozition, Quercorb Museum, Puivert, France
2006 - The SILVA Art Gallery, Buşteni, Romania
2005 - Cathar 2005, Cat'Art Center, Sainte Colombe sur L'Hers-France
2005 - IOV -Simeza Art Gallery , Bucarest-Romania
2005 - IOV - Bistrita Art Gallery - Romania
2004 - Herzogenrath - Burg-Rode Gallery, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France
2003 - The Link - Sugalete Gallery, Bistriţa
2002 - Character's Precincts, happening, Sângeorz-Băi, România
2001 - Le Pradet, Toulon, France
2000 - The Helios Gallery, Timişoara, România
1999 - The Old Gallery, Cluj Napoca, România
1999 - Sopron, Hungary
1998 - Dress, Dwelling, Coocoo, Bistriţa Art's Gallery, România
1998 - The International Culture Centre George Apostu, Bacău, România
1994 - Art-happening The building, Babel Tower, Sângeorz-Băi, România
1993 - The Horizon Gallery, Bucureşti, România
1992 - Art Gallery, Cluj-Napoca, România
1991 - Lausanne, Switzerland
1990 - Kraslava, Letonia
1988 - The Abode Gallery, Târgu Mureş, România
1982 - The Municipal Gallery, Bistriţa, România
1979 - The Ştefan Luchian Gallery, Botoşani, România
1976 - Sângeorz-Băi, România
He participated at more than 100 group or collective art show in Romania and abroad (1976 - 2006).
2003 - The "Orizont" Gallery, Bucuresti
2003 - The "Totem 21" Art Gallery, Târgu-Mures
2002 - The "Totem 21", Art Gallery Târgu-Mures
2002 - The "Simeza" Art Gallery, Bucuresti
2002 - The Municipal Art Gallery, Bucuresti
2001 - Moldova's Galleryes Bacau-Chisinau
2001 - Galeria de arta Bistriţa "ART'2000"
2000 - The Small Sculpture Saloon, Arad
2000 - Pax Danubiana - Happening, Message for peace
2000 - Earth, fire, wather - The "Apollo" Gallery, Bucuresti
2000 - Small Sculpture expostion - The Orizont Gallery, Bucuresti
2000 - The "Salonul municipal de arta", The "Floor 3" Gallery, Bucuresti
2000 - "Earth-fire-wather" exposition, The "Apollo" Gallery, Bucuresti
2000 - The plastic art exposition, The art galleryes, Bistriţa
2000 - Ceramics exposition, Cotroceni place, Bucuresti
2000 - A sculptor's drawings - The "Simeza" Gallery, Bucuresti
2000 - ART'2000 - The "ArTei" Gallery, Bucuresti
1999 - International contemporary art gallery, Resita
1999 - The art gallery - "Timpul in artele spatiului", the "Apollo"
1999 - A sculptor's drawings - The "Simeza" Gallery, Bucuresti
1999 - The bienal national drawing gallery - Arad
1998 - Contemporary art exposition "Neonconcept", Târgu-Mures
1997 - The national bienal art gallery, Arad
1997 - Painting exposition "ART'96" - The "Apollo" gallery, Bucuresti
1997 - Sculpture exposition "Forme colorate" - The "Orizont" Gallery,
1997 - Contemporary art exposition "Vecinatate" - The "Urma" Gallery,
1997 - Contemporary art exposition, "Vecinatate" - The art Gallery Bistriţa
1997 - "Realul si posibilul" - The "Gala" Gallery, Bucuresti
1996 - Painting exposition "ART'96" - The UAP Gallery, Târgu-Mures
1996 - Painting exposition "ART'96" - The "Urma" Gallery, Singeorz-Bai
1996 - Painting exposition "ART'96" - Bistriţa
1996 - Contemporary art exposition - Tirgu-Mures
1995 - The municipal art gallery the "Floor 3" gallery The national theatre
1995 - Small sculpture gallery- the "Orizont" gallery, Bucuresti
1995 - "Diversitatea formei" - the "Apollo" gallery, Bucuresti
1994 - National youth exposition - Bucuresti
1994 - Sculpture exposition - the "Simeza" gallery, Bucuresti
1993 - small art - the "Orizont" gallery, Bucuresti
1992 - The county museum, Bistriţa-Nasaud
1988 - 1998- Small art exposition - Arad
1987 - "Atelier 35" - Baia-Mare
1983,1985,1988 - Bucuresti
1982, 1983,1985,1987,1988,1989 - Bistriţa
2004 - Special award for sculpture Ion Grecu, Bacău, Chişinău
2004 - Omagial Medal Cultural Merith, România
2003 - Omagial Medal Ion-Irimescu - 100, an award from The Romanian Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs
2000 - The earth and art prize, The Romania Agriculture Museum Award, România.
1998 - The Artexpo Foundation Award, Bucharest, România
1994 - The Great Award for Film: Happening :The Building, Babel Tower, Beclean, România
2007 - International Sculpture Symposium "EUARCA", Kassel, Germany - wood
2007 - International Sculpture Symposium, Bursa, Turkey – marble
2006 - International Sculpture Symposium, Bodrum, Turkey - marble
2006 - International Sculpture Symposium Fuerteventura, Spain - marble
2006 - National Art Simpozium Marea III, Eforie, Romania
2006 - International Foto Art Symposium ART'2006, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania
2006 - National Sculpture Symposium Ion Irimescu, Bistrita, Romania
2005 - Contemporany Art Symposium Saint Colombe L'Hers, France
2005 - International Sculpture Symposium, Fuerteventura, Spain - stone
2005 - International Sculpture Symposium, Bulgary - wood
2005 - International Sculpture Symposium, Saint Martin de Seignanx, France - stone
2004 - National Symposium The Sea Eforie Nord- România - painting
2004 - International Sculpture Symposium, Cărbunari, Baia Mare, Romania - stone
2003 - International Symposium Conditional Performance, Taller, France - wood
2003 - National Sculpture Symposium Galaţi- Romania - wood
2003 - National Ceramics and Porcelain Symposium, The Blaze of the Sky, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania
2002 - National Picture Symposium The Mountain II, Colibiţa, Romania
2002 - National Sculpture Symposium Centre and Outside, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania
2002 - National Sculpture Symposium Artuborg, Constanţa, Romania
2002 - Sculpture Camp Reghin Interart 2002, Romania - wood
2001 - National Sculpture Symposium Art 2001, Sângeorz Băi, Romania
2001 - National Salt Sculpture Symposium 5+2, Praid, România
2001 - National Painting Symposium The Mountain, Colibiţa, Romania
2000 - National Art Symposium ART'2000, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania
2000 - National Art Symposium Underwater World, Le Pradet, France - marble
1999 - ART'99 - National Sculpture Symposium, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania
1998 - Sculpture Symposium, Reşiţa, Romania - marble
1998 - International Sculpture Symposium George Apostu, Bacău, Romania - marble
1997 - International Contemporany Art Symposium CarbonArt, Chişinău, Moldavia
1997 - Neighbourhood Contemporany Art Symposium, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania
1996 - ART'96 National Painting Symposium, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania
1996 - International Contemporary Art Symposium Interarteast, Târgu Mureş, Romania
1996 - George Apostu Marble Sculpture Symposium, Bacău, Romania
1995 - ART'95 International Wood Sculpture Symposium, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania
1994 - Sculpture Symposium, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania - marble
1994 - Sculpture Symposium, Oarba de Mureş, Romania - stone
1993 - The International Plastic Art Symposium, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania
1992 - The International Sculpture, Painting, Engraving Symposium, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania - marble
1978, 1987 - The Youth Sculpture Symposium, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania - marble